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Volunteer at Colorado Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center

12 Jan 2025
1:00pm - 3:00pm MST

Come volunteer with us at Colorado Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center (COLERC)! We will be processing used eyeglasses to distribute to those in need, primarily in developing countries. Teens welcome! Please RSVP because space is limited. In the "My Attendance" section above, select "Attending." 


COLERC is located at 4605 Monaco St, Denver, but Google maps has an error. Once on Monaco St, continue north past I-70, across the first set of railroad tracks, then turn left to COLREC. It is across the street from Denver Reel and Pallet.






12 Jan 2025
1:00pm - 3:00pm MST

Google Calendar

  • 4605 Monaco St, Denver, CO 80216, USA